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Level 4

How can I with code set a $V variable?

I want to be able to set a $V variable. How can I do this? Maybe Im going about this the hard way but what I have tried is to create a custom event and used the following :

public void onExecutingsetVariable(com.installshield.event.wizard.WizardActionContext arg0)
SetVariableAction myVar = new SetVariableAction();



The problem is that the execute method of the SetVariable needs a (WizardBeanEvent event ) which for the life of me I cant figure out how to get from my context 😞 Please help its driving me nuts!!
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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Please see the end of this thread: [thread]144598[/thread].
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Level 4

How can I specify attributes such as persitant or global,etc?


This should really be documented in the section on working with variable. Having only ways to set it in the UI in the documentation is very limiting 😞
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Flexera Alumni

I haven't used them myself, but the same class that provides the setVariableValue method provides createGlobalVariable, createGlobalPersistedVariable, and similar methods; which return an ISVariable object, which in turn has setName, setValue, setSecret (and related) methods...
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Level 4

Cool I will give it a try 🙂
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