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Level 3

How can I change UAC levels?


I'm quite new using installshield, sorry if I ask very simple things.
I create a installer which launches two setup.exe:
1) we can say that is the global and is the installer that you can see on the screen.
2) It's a database installer, this installer its installs silently and doesn't show any window.

Here is the problem:
When I try to install it in windows 7, everything starts ok but at one point when the installer tries to execute the second setup.exe in silent mode if the UAC the notification level is in predeterminate level, the installation stop. But if I change the level notification to 'Don´t notify ever' the installation runs perfectly.

Does somebody know how can I change the UAC level notification in with the Installshield? Any script in the installscript?

Thank you very much
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Changing UAC levels will require a reboot, and it's bad form to modify a global setting like this. Instead you should figure out a solution to your problem that does not require crippling UAC. The simplest approach may be to require elevated privileges for the installation the user launches. A better approach may be to use something like prerequisites (available in 2011) or suites (available in 2012 and up).
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Level 3

Thank you very much for your answer.
How can I change prerequisites? (available in 2011)
Thank you very much for your help
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