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Level 6

Help! - Merge Module Confusion

I'm having two major problems with a merge module that simply baffles me:

1. The shared components of the merge module downgrade when installing a parent containing an older version. Why? Isn't the keyfile of a shared components supposed to indicate whether or not to install the files in teh component? If the keyfile has an older created date, why is it installing?

I notice in the logs next to the components, it states:

Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local

Does this mean that the installer cannot find the installed component? Besides the component guid, what is used for comparison?

One other note - The reference count for the files is being incremented. So, if it recognizes that the files are shared, why does it downgrade them?

2. During CostFinalize, the write permissions are checked for the folder in which to install. It appears to be checking folders for shared components that are already installed. So, either it's attempting to reinstall shared components (which, again, I wouldn't understand why) or its checking folders even for files that it won't install. Does anyone know if it might be the latter? In other words, does CostFinalize ignore shared components that won't be installed?

Thanks for the help!

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Level 6

Things me be getting clearer based on:

"Nonversioned Files are User Data—If the Modified date is later than the Create date for the file on the computer, do not install the file because user customizations would be deleted. If the Modified and Create dates are the same, install the file. If the Create date is later than the Modified date, the file is considered unmodified, install the file."
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