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Level 5

Hello, is there something like "Post-requisite"?

As the title,
Is there something like "Post-requisite" in Installshield, rather than Prerequisite?
I need to call another MSI installer after current product is installed. Any solutions?

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(3) Replies
Level 4


You can call another MSI at the end of installation, When the 1st installation is finished then on the Click of finish button call other MSI.

Keep that MSI in Support file and Create one custom action.

Hope may help you ....
0 Kudos
Level 5

This not satisfies my need. I want to launch the program imediately after main setup progress, either in silent mode or UI mode.
0 Kudos
Level 5


What about using chained MSIs installation?

The difference between prerequisite and chained package is that chained MSI are installed in one transaction so if your child MSI installation fails, parent installation will be rolled back. Also if you uninstall your parent product child will get uninstalled as well.

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