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Level 3

Getting your current version

Is there a way using the InstallShield APIs to get the current version that is being installed? I tried using $P(.key.version.major).$P(.key.version.minor) as Robert Dickau suggested in aother post but that doesn't seem to work for me.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

As a quick test, this wizard action seems to do it:
import com.installshield.wizard.*;
import com.installshield.wizard.service.*;
import com.installshield.product.*;
import com.installshield.product.service.product.*;

public class GetVersionTest extends WizardAction
private static final String SRC = ProductService.DEFAULT_PRODUCT_SOURCE;

public void execute(WizardBeanEvent event)
ProductService ps = (ProductService)getService(ProductService.NAME);
String rootbeanid = ps.getProductTreeRoot(SRC);

SoftwareObjectKey rootsok =
SRC, rootbeanid, "key");

SoftwareVersion sv = rootsok.getVersion( );

sv.getMajor( ) + "." +
sv.getMinor( ) + "." +
sv.getMaintenance( ));

} catch(ServiceException drat) { drat.printStackTrace( ); }
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Level 3

That was exactly what I needed. It works great. Thanks!
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