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Level 2

Getting "Unknown Publisher" When Running Patch Even Though Signed

I am running InstallShield 2021 with a basic MSI project, and I'm creating a patch file that is signed.

The MSP itself does show the digital signature correctly, but when I run the patch, it begins the update process, but then generates a warning about an MSI file being from an unknown publisher.

The MSI it references is  C:\Windows\Installer\13394040.msi

I can't seem to determine how to sign this file when creating the patch. Can anyone assist?

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Level 2

Additional to this... I noticed that "Issued To" name on the certificate is missing a comma in the name.

For example, the original installation used the certificate name "MyCompany, LLC". The latest certificate and the one being used to create the patch has the name as "MyCompany LLC" without the comma.

Would this cause the problem?

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