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Fun with (not working) SQLRT Put / GetConnectionInfo

I'm trying to get a SQL Script working and found follwing behavior I can't explain to myself:

//store data in case we need it again

SQLRTPutConnectionInfo2( szConnection, svServer, svDB, svUser, svPassword );
szConnection = "";
svServer = "";
svDB = "";
svUser = "";
svPassword = "";
SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( szConnection, svServer, svDB, svUser, svPassword );

That's really(!) simple Test, that seems to fail big time.
I moved the "Get" Part under the "Put" part, after I recognized that my GetConnectionInfo in another Part of the Project won't get any Data and it also won't get Data here. (see screenshot)

Or am I doing something wrong?
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Found it by myself: szConnection shouldn't get cleard
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