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Level 2

File name changed - doesn't get cleaned up on upgrade

One of the files in my application has been renamed, from say file01.dll to file02.dll. When a user upgrades to the latest version, file01.dll does not get removed. Furthermore, if the user uninstalls the application after doing an upgrade, file01.dll and the directory containing it are left behind. What changes do I need to make in my InstallShield project to tell the Windows Installer that file01.dll is now named file02.dll, and file01.dll should be removed during an upgrade?
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Part of it depends on the type of upgrade, whether the renamed file is in a new component, and so on. Help topics such as "Changing the Component Code" have some background information, and running the Upgrade Validation Wizard in InstallShield can help detect problems with how an update project is authored.
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Level 2

I couldn't find the help topic "Changing the Component Code". Can you point me to a web page, or tell me where to find it in the help file (I'm using InstallShield 2010).

I ran the Upgrade Validation Wizard, and I got the following error:

The file 'file01.dll' with a target of '[programfilesfolder]\app_directory\file01.dll' appears to have been removed from the setup, but does not appear in the RemoveFile table. This file will not be removed from the target machine when an upgrade is run unless the RemoveFile table has been authored.

So how do I add an entry to the RemoveFile table? I found the Direct Editor, but it is not clear to me what values I should enter in each column of the table. Can you point me to an example?

In general, each time a file name in an application changes, you must add an entry for it in the RemoveFile table to ensure that it gets removed during an upgrade? Is that right?
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Level 12

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