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Level 8

File Size Display it a bug or not?


I am seeing issue with the size being shown in the custom setup dialog in IS.

Getting into a strange behavior. I have 2 features (NewFeature1 & NewFeature2)and 2 sub features(NewFeature3 & NewFeature4) for those two main features. (As shown fig1)

Deselected Feature4 and i can see the size listed (fig2) then deselected Feature2(fig3) and i could see that the size of Feature 4 changed to 0.

Deselected Feature1(fig3) and it started to show 0 size also. The behaviour is inconsistant..please tell me is this is a bug ?
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Level 6

In our installer we do not show CustomSetup dialog during fresh install, so my comment might be useless.
But we show it in maintenance mode and there feature size means how current disk space will be changed by installation modify. I mean:
if feature is installed and we keep it selected – shown feature size will be 0.
if feature is installed and we unselect it – Custom Setup dialog will show how much space will be freed.
if feature isn’t installed and we select it – Custom Setup dialog will show how much space the feature requires.
if feature isn’t installed and we keep it unselected – shown feature size will be 0.

As a possible cause of a mystery behavior in your case – do NewFeature2 and NewFeature4 have some shared components?
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