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Level 3

Features and subfeatures


I have a BASIC MSI project with only 1 feature, but now this project will have 3 features, and one of them will have 2 subfeatures.
I've completed all the necessary steps, but in the screen if I select the feature that contains subfeatures, this subfeatures are selected by default, and this is not correct.
How can I do that when I select the feature does not select the subfeatures?
Otherwise, if I select a subfeature, by default select the primary, and this is correct.
Any idea??

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(4) Replies
Level 10

If you set the "Install Level" properties on the 2 child features to 101, they will be de-selected by default. On the Custom Setup dialog, the parent feature can be deselected, selected by itself, or selected along with its subfeatures, to be installed locally. If either child feature is selected (or both are) then the parent feature will also be selected.
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Level 6

I know this is old but I have the same problem. I have set my subfeature to 200 and to Install Local. The parent feature is installlevel 1 and InstallLocal.

When I select the feature, the subfeature is selected automatically. However, when I go to deselect the subfeature, the feature becomes unchecked.

How can I get it so just the feature is selected but the subfeature is not?
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Level 2

eature is a general term that refers to a set of components or subfeatures in InstallShield. A subfeature is a feature that is located below another feature—similar to the relationship between a folder and a subfolder.

Top-level features are the highest features in the hierarchy. Top-level features are never referred to as subfeatures.

How to Refer to Features and Subfeatures
Some feature functions and setup type dialog functions ask you to refer to a single feature, while others ask you to refer to multiple features.

Referring to Single Features
To refer to a single feature, use the feature’s name. To refer to a subfeature, use a path-like expression where the name of each feature in the hierarchy leading to that feature is separated by double backslashes. For example, to specify the subfeature Tutorials under the top-level feature Help Files, use the following expression in your installation script:

szFeature = "Help Files\\Tutorials";

To refer to the subfeature CBT under Tutorials, use the following:

szFeature = "Help Files\\Tutorials\\CBT";

Referring to Multiple Features
In InstallScript MSI installations, some feature and setup type dialog functions, such as SdFeatureMult, display multiple features and their subfeatures. In these cases, you refer to multiple features by specifying the feature immediately above them in the hierarchy. To refer to multiple top-level features, use a null string ("").

For example, if you pass a null string to the SdFeatureMult function, the corresponding dialog displays all the top-level features in your script-created component set in the window on the left, depending on the value of the MEDIA system variable. All subfeatures appear in the window on the right.
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Level 6

Vernice...did you even read the question?
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