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Failed to extract _IsUser.dll while installing software via installShield

Can you please explain when such error happens,

Action start 10:17:48: ISMsiServerStartup.

Action ended 10:17:48: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 1.
MSI (c) (40:A4) [10:17:48:561]: Doing action: ISStartup
Action 10:17:48: ISStartup.
Action start 10:17:48: ISStartup.
MSI (c) (40:F0) [10:17:48:563]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\C503098\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI4AD8.tmp, Entrypoint: MsiServerStartup
MSI (c) (40:4C) [10:17:48:569]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (40:4C) [10:17:48:569]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (40:4C) [10:17:48:569]: Connected to service for CA interface.
MSI (c) (40:C4) [10:17:48:570]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\C503098\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI4AE9.tmp, Entrypoint: StartUp
1: The InstallScript engine version currently installed on this machine is adequate.
1: Event 'E1748731' is created
MSI (c) (40!D8) [10:17:48:732]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ISStartupEvent property. Its value is 'E1748731'.
1: GetInstallDriver, Can not find InstallDriver in ROT table, Return Code = 0x800401e3
1: {B3630C23-CA70-4FB2-9022-07F528DF4A4C}
1: Extract supporting files
1: Failed to extract _IsUser.dll, Ignore it.
1: ISMsiServerStartup Failure, Failed to Initialize script support, Error = 0x800706be
1: MsiServerStartup failed. Abort installation.
CustomAction ISStartup returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
CustomAction ISMsiServerStartup returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Action ended 10:17:50: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 1603.
Action ended 10:17:50: ISStartup. Return value 3.

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