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Level 6

Extra ‘&’ symbol added to message box title

This is an InstallScript MSI project.

During uninstall, the confirmation message as shown below:

During upgrade, the confirmation message is shown below:

“CN&N Foxy” is the product name I set in General Infromation > Product Properties > Name. I assume InstallShield automatically pick it up and applies to all over the place where needed. In the Uninstall Confirmation message, the title shows the correct product name. In the Upgrade Confirmation message, the second image, an extra ‘&’ is added to the product name in the title as shown, while the same product name shown in the message text of the same box is correct. Please note that this happen in the same project. Not from two packages.

Q1. Is there a hot fix from InstallShield on this bug?
Q2. If not, is there a quick solution to replace the title on the Upgrade Confirmation message, such as overwriting it in InstallScript with an arbitrary text (example)?
Q3. If no easy way out, how can I disable the Upgrade Confirmation message altogether and go straight to the full dialogs proceeding with the upgrade?

(Please note that in function OnMaintUIBefore(), the following code exists:

if ( nType = REMOVEALL ) then
nResult = MessageBox( SdLoadString( IFX_MAINTUI_MSG ), MB_YESNO );
if (nResult != IDYES ) then
if( REMOVEONLY ) then
// In REMOVEONLY mode, abort the setup.
// In non-REMOVEONLY mode, redisplay the previous dialog.
goto Dlg_Start;

So that I can comment it out and make the Uninstall Confirmation not showing. But in OnResumeUIBefore(), there is no such code. Therefore, I do not know how to disable the Upgrade Confirmation message.)

Thanks for any hints.
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Level 6

Oh, never mind Q3. I forgot I can set the upgrade to no prompt in the IDE.
So, just Q1 and Q2. Thanks.
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