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Level 5

Executing a .bat (DOS batch file) ...

I have a need of executing a .bat file from the installer. I have tried the Execute Process bean without any luck.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Greatly appreciated!

Thank you
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(2) Replies
Level 9

Execute Process is the way to go!

How are you using the Execute Process?
What are you using for your command?
Are you getting an error or it does it just no seem to run?
Is the batch file installed with your installation?

You can set a Process Exit Code Variable to something like BATCHRETURNCODE and set up a custom action after the Execute Process and print the variable in a message box or something of the sort!
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Level 5


The Execute Process is the way I have been going. I am able to launch many .exe program (e.g. word.exe, excel.exe, iexplorer.exe, etc.) and passing any kind of arguments, but when I try to launch cmd.exe I see absolutely no results. All I want is for the black DOS style window to popup and stay there.

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