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Level 3

Executing PL/SQL in SQLScripts


I tried to execute real PL/SQL scripts in my IS project
But it failed because the syntax must be TransactSQL and not PL/SQL even if I choose a Oracle Connection.
Can someone explain me if there is a way to execute a real PL/SQL script with for example ';' at end of line and without any 'Go' instruction.
Thank you for your answer

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(2) Replies
Level 17

You can specify a different batch separator from GO in the Batch Separator setting on the Connection | Advanced tab.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you for this response
When I change from 'Go' to ';' it works but with restrictions :

Both of following version of code are working with sqlplus.exe ... but :

The following version is OK in IS 2009

create user toto identified by toto default tablespace USERS

The following version is NOT OK in IS 2009

create user toto identified by toto default tablespace USERS ;

It seems for me like a great restrictions because it does not permit to use basic PL/SQL scripts without nothing to do to use them with IS.
Is there a way to bypass this restriction ?
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