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Level 4

Error installing SQL Server 2005 prerequisite

We use Installshield's Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 setup prerequisite (installed locally) in our basic MSI installation when we install our app. But at the end of the SQL Server install, before the launch of our MSI, we get the following error, with no further info:

The installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 appears to have failed. Do you want to continue the installation?

If we click continue, our MSI launches and all our SQL connections and scripts run just fine, and we get no further errors. And our app runs just fine and SQL Server 2005 appears to be running without problems.

However, on subsequent reinstalls or updates, the SQL prerequisite doesn't see that SQL is already installed and goes through the same process again.

Any ideas? TIA

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(4) Replies
Level 2

I'm having this same issue all of a sudden and would be very curious as to why.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Upon further investigation, I'm seeing that on subsequent installs, ALL of SQL Express is not installing, just "Setup Support Files", and then the error. So it seems that just just that 1 component of the prerequisite isn't installing correctly.

I'm thinking that I've got a corrupt prerequisite file. Can I remove it and then re-download the Installshield prerequisite?

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Level 2

My issue is a little different as the actual installation of SQL Server is successful.. yet IS still thinks it is failing, which then throws that errror message. What could be triggering this response?
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Level 4

My SQL 2005 Express SP2 prerequisite that I created by hand reported a false negative as you have. Solved it by adding an additional condition to the prerequisite:


CurrentVersion < 9.00.3042.00

I used < because I'm checking to upgrade anything less than SP2, but the same or similar might work for you too.
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