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Level 8

Error 1935 & Error 1603, during GAC installation -- please help

My installer is installing all the files, registrys and all.... but at some stage it rollback everything.
when i checked the log file, it is showing as:

MSI (s) (1C:64) [13:54:07:281]: Note: 1: 1935 2: {E6B71B0A-896E-4D3E-A63F-79C0D5CBE7DD} 3: 0x80131043 4: IAssemblyCacheItem 5: Commit 6: MyDll.Net,Version="",PublicKeyToken="CB595201818609EE",Culture="neutral",FileVersion="",ProcessorArchitecture="MSIL"
MSI (s) (1C:64) [13:54:07:296]: Product: MyProduct 4.0.0 -- Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {E6B71B0A-896E-4D3E-A63F-79C0D5CBE7DD}. HRESULT: 0x80131043. assembly interface: IAssemblyCacheItem, function: Commit, assembly name: MyDll.Net,Version="",PublicKeyToken="CB595201818609EE",Culture="neutral",FileVersion="",ProcessorArchitecture="MSIL"

and it also showing the following error.....

One more surprise is
when i build the same installer with same files in IS2009 evaluation version, it is working fine with no issues
If i build the same in IS2009 licenced version it is throwing error

whats wrong????
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Level 8

Issue resolved..... 🙂

reason for issues:

+ The dll which is causing issue('MyDll.Net') is having 'Check Dependencies & Properties' as .NET... property, so some dlls are getting copied to the release media and those dlls are causing issues.

+ Since i am building in two different machines, dependent dlls are not getting copied with evaluation version's build because those dlls are not there in evaluation's build machine....
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