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Level 7

Error 1324 on "VersionNT<600"

InstallScript MSI project with IS2009.

To make the product Vista compatible, I added some new components for Vista, and set conditions for existing and new components such as (Note that I don't have any space around operators):



(VersionNT=600) Or (VersionNT>600)
But I got "Error 1324. The path VersionNT < 600 contains an invalid character." at the very beginning of installation, in the log file (setup.exe /v"/l*V ...") I have the following (I can provide full file if more info is helpful):

MSI (C) (2C:28) [15:52:09:448]: Note: 1: 1324 2: VersionNT < 600 3: 1

I searched and found RegCureSetup_1501_RW.exe from for fixing 1324 error, but I couldn't execute it (it keeps saying I need to have 'administrator' previliges even though I am a member of administrators group), and I doubt if my problem should be fixed by this way.

Any ideas?

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Level 7

I had similar errors when the properties I used have been also used as "directory properties" in the directory table. So I would suggest to look into the directory table if there is an entry "VersionNT". Remove this entry or substitute it with another keyword in the directory table. Be careful with changes in the directory table, so that you get all the entries changed.

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Level 7

Thank you Barbara, that's exactly the issue.
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