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Level 3

Error 1316 After Upgrade/Uninstall

After upgrading to a new version of my Product I get the following error when I try to uninstall the product I get the error:

Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:\WINDOWS\Installer\Compellent Enterprise Manager Data Collector.msi

My Setup is:

- InstallScript Package
- MSI Version 3.1
- I changed the Package Code
- I use the same Product Name (so the same MSI name)
- I setup with creating a setup.exe with settings:
- Generate Package Code is Yes
- I Change the version number automatically with my build
- MSI Package file name is blank
- I have not changed the Product Name
- I have not changed the Package Code

The only work around that I have found is re-running the setup.exe and select modify (I can't do this from Add/Remove Programs) and then I can uninstall just fine.

Have looked through other threads with no luck as to a solution.

Any help would be great.
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(2) Replies
Level 3

Here are my logs for doing a:

1) Install v1 (InstallLog)
2) Install v2 (UpgradeLog)
3) Uninstall v2 (UninstallErrorLog) which is the error
4) Modify v2 (ModifyLog)
5) Uninstall v2 (UninstallGoodLog) which works
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Level 2

It sure would have been nice if someone had an idea about the problem, because I have the same one.

I'm curious though (and off subject), but how did you manage to automatically build in the Version number?
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