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Level 7

Enable32bitAppOnWin64 for Application Pools

Is Enable32bitAppOnWin64 setting avilable for IIS Application Pools in Installshield 2009?
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I dont see any info available about Enable32bitAppOnWin64 in IS help file. log an incident with IS guys to confirm you requirement.
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Level 17

In InstallShield 2010, we added a new Enable 32-Bit Applications setting for application pools. This setting configures the Enable32bitAppOnWin64 property. This support is not available in InstallShield 2009.

InstallShield 2010 also has a number of additional IIS-related improvements. For more information, search for IIS in Q200329 (InstallShield 2010/InstallShield 2010 SP1 Release Notes).
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