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Level 3

Dynamically alter shortcut argument using a variable


I've scoured everywhere and I can't seem to find out how to set the Arguments section of a Shortcut via variable in InstallScript, or even by including a variable in the Arguments section of the Shortcuts configuration. All I get is the string representation of my variable name.

Anyone here that can help me?

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(3) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If you're talking about an MSI-based installation, the Arguments column of the Shortcut Table is Formatted, meaning you can use a bracketed string to pull the value of [SOME_PROPERTY]. You can set such properties from InstallScript code by calling MsiSetProperty.

If instead you mean an InstallScript setup, you might want to investigate using AddFolderIcon from your script, or at least make sure to use angle brackets around your InstallScript . (It's unclear exactly what you've tried.)
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Level 3

ok, so in my InstallScript project we had this:

szCommandLine =
szPrefix +
" -R..\\Support\\WebSupp.rsp " +
"-pCMsgBox.exe -s -C \"Web Update\" -M \"Your Web support files have been updated.|You may now re-start IIS.\"";

ComponentSetTarget( MEDIA, "", szCommandLine );

and you're saying I should be using AddfolderIcon instead of ComponentSetTarget? This was a project converted to InstallShield 2010 from Installshield Professional 6.1.

I will check it out, thanks for your response.

0 Kudos
Level 3


That was exactly what I needed, thanks for the help.
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