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During a major upgrade a new Component, that is assigned to an existing Feature, is not being installed

Using InstallShield 2020 R2 version 26.

I want to perform a major upgrade from version 'A' to 'B'.

Both versions 'A' and 'B' have a Feature named 'repsrvX64', a subfeature of it named 'epsrv', and 10 components that is associated to 'epsrv'.

The features 'repsrvX64' and 'epsrv' are set as 'Required' for installation (InstallShield 2020 -> Setup Design -> 'repsrvX64' -> 'Required' = 'Yes').

For version 'B' I've added a new component that is associated to 'epsrv' named 'epsrvIms' (so version 'B' has 11 components that is associated to 'epsrv'), this component holds one jar file.

When I try to install version 'B' I get 'epsrvIms' installed, the jar file is in place, from msi log:
MSI (s) (CC:3C) [10:08:07:539]: Component: epsrvIms; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local

When I try to upgrade version 'A' to 'B',  'epsrvIms' is not installed, from msi log:
MSI (s) (84:FC) [14:50:46:746]: Component: epsrvIms; Installed: Absent; Request: Null; Action: Null


Why is that?
How can I get 'epsrvIms' installed after a major upgrade?

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