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Level 3

Duplicated Component GUIDs

I have a Basic MSI project (64 bit) which includes a variety of 32 bit and 64 bit merge modules.

One of the merge modules contains a set of components that is similar to another merge module (one is the 32 bit counterpart of the other).

Each merge module has its own unique GUIDs (Module ID GUID and package code).

The issue is that the components have identical component codes.
Since my 64 bit project contains both merge modules, I have the following issues:

- the 32 bit files in the components which duplicate the component code of their 64 bit counterparts do not uninstall.
- the 32 bit files are not upgraded correctly when performing a minor upgrade

We've already released this version of the installer. When I change the component codes in either merge module project, it doesn't perform the upgrade correctly from one version to the next (none of the files are updated). How should I manage this? Do I have no choice but to make this a major upgrade (and change the GUID for the project)?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Level 10

My suggestion would be to do it as a major upgrade.
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