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Level 3

Drop down list of drives

I need help on how to create a setup dialog where I can detect all the drive letters on the User computer.

In the SdAskDestPath, I want to ask the User where to install the setup.exe, but only allow them to select a drive letter not the full path.

For example, I have a dropdown list of A: B: C: 😧

Thanks for the help.
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(5) Replies
Level 3

I am using installscript.
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Flexera Alumni

Perhaps a custom dialog box with a drop-down list populated with GetValidDrivesList?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Can you point to a tutorial that has the drop down list feature?

How can I go about customizing the dialog?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I am actually using installshield 11.5
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

Please see, for example, the sample chapter from the InstallScript training manual here:

(And as a rule, please do post in the forum corresponding to your version, to make sure answers don't depend on later functionality...)
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