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Level 7

Downloading prerequisites broken?

Just today I have started getting an error message when I try to download prerequisites. (Attached) Our IT people have checked proxy settings etc and can find no reason for the sudden loss. Is there a problem in the repository?
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Level 7

I have made progress. I manually downloaded Microsoft Office 2007 PIA, and the one for 2010, installed those in the (inconsistent) locations InstallShield was looking for them and then the downloader started downloading .NET 3.5, even though I hadn't requested it.

In fact .NET 3.5 now gets included in my build and I have no idea why! This makes it too big for a CD and there's no way of changing the media in the release view. So when I copy the build to a USB stick it doesn't install, it keeps asking stupidly for disk 2 even when I have copied everything from the DISK2 folder to DISK1 folder.
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Level 7

OK, just seen that .NET 3.5 is a prerequisite for the PIAs.

Now I have to change the media to DVD, but to do that I have to go through the release wizard and make a whole new release! I wonder if this could have been made any more complicated...
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Level 7

OK, now I have decided to use the Merge Module for MDAC instead of a prerequisite and successfully downloaded it:

Downloading 1 files.
Successfully downloaded
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2012Spring\Objects\MDAC28.msm
Downloading Finished. 1 file(s) downloaded successfully. 0 file(s) failed to download correctly.

The build fails, however, because it can't find the merge module!

ISDEV : error -4075: File not found. An error occurred merging Module 'MDAC28.E7D6BCFA_9BFA_49D4_A1EE_767B7FD61E38:1033' for Feature 'Mxxxx'.
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