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Level 2

Does Installshield 2009 support subst drives?

When using the Open Project dialog in Installshield 2009, there is a "Look in" pull down box that shows amongst other things a list of the network mapped drives on my computer, but it does not list the subst drives.

My source control system utilises subst drives so this is stopping me from opening up the previous installshield projects files from an earlier version of the tool.

Is there a way to get Installshield 2009 to know about subst drives and to allow them to be shown in the pull down list.

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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Are you running on Windows Vista (or later) under UAC? If so, this is probably due to running InstallShield in the full administrator context. There's supposed to be a way to share the mappings on a given machine, and it's come up on this community before; but I don't know if it works for subst drives. Unfortunately I'm having trouble finding it right now... The other workaround, if you perform the subst calls yourself, would be to do those in the administrator context as well (say in an elevated command prompt); or alternately to consider disabling UAC (which I don't recommend). Of course if this is on pre-Vista those recommendations do not apply.
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