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Level 3

Displaying ReadMe file after Install


I am building my application as an InstallScript MSI Project and would like to display a ReadMe file after installation. This is just a regular txt file which needs to be displayed like the license file except that I dont need the user input RadioButtons.

In order to display the license file, I have used SdLicense2 function in the OnFirstUIBefore event. Could you please tell me how to display the ReadMe file? We need to display this after a successful installation for both Full Installations as well as upgrade installations. Any ideas how to go about this?

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(2) Replies
Level 7

You just need to create an exe custom action (path referencing a directory type) within the install execute sequence set to deferred and after the installfinalize action with return processing set to Asynchronous (no wait for completion)

Then in your custom action set the working directory to:
and set the filename & Command line to:
[WindowsFolder]Notepad.exe [#myfilename]

replace myfilename with the file in your installation that you want to open. However don't use the actual filename use the entry in the file column (key) from the file table. Then if a user installs your product in a different location notepad will still be able to find the file. 🙂
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Level 3

Hi Cbragg,

Thanks for the response!

Could you please give me the steps with a little more detail? I am new to InstallShield and not very familiar with the steps you mentioned.

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