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Level 3

Disabling Features under the feature panel.

How to disable the features on the features panel. Please let me know it's kinda urgent.


Abhijeet 🙂
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(3) Replies
Level 3

Sets its active property to false before displaying the features using Set Product Bean Property wizard action.

Hope this helps.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Sorry frnd but still no help from this ... The Active property is for checking and unchecking of the features, the property that we have to set for disabling the features is enable (I suppose).
0 Kudos
Level 9

With the Premier Version you can use:

ProductService service = (ProductService) arg0.getService(ProductService.NAME);
service.setProductBeanProperty(ProductService.DEFAULT_PRODUCT_SOURCE, "features_beanID", "enabled", "False");

or in the Sequence view - use a 'Set Product Bean Property' action.

Not sure how to do without the Premier. One way I was doing before I got the premier version was basically set the feature active to false and if they select the feature - I threw up a message box and told them to uncheck it (ugly but it did the job)
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