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Level 5

Windows Registry Update cant set DisplayName

I dont get how to update the DisplayName in the Windows registry. Im able to successfully add values (i.e. DisplayIcon) to my products uninstall registry key, but not update the DisplayName. I think it has something to do with the order of events in the install. I believe its modifying the DisplayName correctly, but then is later plowed over by Windows somehow later.

Im putting the Windows Registry Update action in the Install sequence. Id like to put it in the PostInstall to test that theory out, but for some reason Im not able to add the action there :confused:.

Anyone been successful at updating DisplayName?
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(2) Replies
Level 9

This is a known bug with installshield 11.5 and I think it is only on the XP platform!

A work around is to create the service, add a new component and add an 'Execute Process' command to this new component. Under the Advanced Properties in Platforms check the 'Windows XP' platform - it will only run on that platform! For the Execute Process the command would be:

sc => Service Controller command

The arguments would be:

description => Name of the Service Property to update
Name of Service => Service Name to be updated
Description text => Service description

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Level 5

Thanks for the workaround. Ill give that a try.
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