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Level 6

DirectX web-installation

When adding the DirectX 9 object to my package, the only choice I have is to embed it in my executable file (I'm using single-executable basic msi). I would prefer to embed a web-installer in my package, so if the user already have DirectX, he won't have to wait so that all those files are extracted when he start the installation. It's also reduce the size of my installer, which is already big and often downloaded from ftp/http server. How can I do that, create my own prerequisite file with the "dxwebsetup.exe" I downloaded on Microsft website? Is there already something available to me in InstallShield for that purpose?

Thanks for any help
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(1) Reply
Level 6

We are in similar situation where desire DirectX prerequisite instead of merge module / InstallShield object. We ultimately created our own prerequisite for the web installer available from Microsoft.

Anyone else have thoughts on this topic as to best option?
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