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Level 13

Deleting value from HKCU registry hive in a minor upgrade

Is it possible to safely remove a registry key from HKCU\Software\DeLorme\ in a patch or minor upgrade?

Basically the update that I am being asked to make needs to remove user settings created by the application. I know I can author items in the removeregistry table but can I do it in such a way that the user is not prompted to insert the original install media?

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Level 13

** BUMP ** Anyone out there 🙂
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If you perform a minor upgrade using the 'v' parameter and author the RemoveRegistry table properly, this seems to work in a quick test I performed.

Also, forgot to mention, if the registry entry is the keypath, you probably don't want to do this as it would be a component rule violation. Can't change the keypath of a component during a minor/small update.
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Level 13

by command line I am assuming that you mean the Patch Design Advanced Argument for REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL. Is this correct?

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Level 13

While I got this working for the current user, I could not get this to work in a multiuser environment. Hmm, as I type this perhaps I need to set something in the component as a key file in HKCU? Just a thought for me to try.
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To clarify, I meant in a full minor upgrade.

I would suggest investigating a full minor upgrade scenario before moving on to the patch. Does it work in that case?
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Level 7

If the HKCU entry is not a component key, then try using Active Setup. Write a custom script (vbscript/batch file etc) and make its entry in the Run key. Though its require a log-off/reboot, its effective.
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