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Level 4

Database Import Connection Failure -- Please help.

When I use IS2008's Database Import Wizard to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database on our network, I get the following error...

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]To connect to this server you must use SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Management Objects (SMO). (55555)

I can connect to the same database using SQL Server Management without any problems. 😞

What could I be doing wrong?

Please advise.

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(21) Replies
Level 17

What version of SQL Server 2005 are you trying to connect to? I quickly tested with 9.0.3042 locally, and it worked fine.
0 Kudos
Level 4

I am at 9.0.3054.

Hve you tested over a network?

Thanks again,
0 Kudos
Level 17

I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 HotFix (9.0.3054), but I was able to connect to the server from InstallShield database import wizard remotely. Please install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components onto the machine that has your InstallSheild IDE installed. The database import wizard currently uses SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) to communicate with Microsoft SQL Servers. I would like to make sure that you have the latest version of SQL-DMO components installed on your client machine.
0 Kudos
Level 4

I did,a nd I got the "Remove, Modify, or Repair Option". Checking Modify, I verified that all options were installed. I then backed out and chose Repair, just in case, but that did not help.
0 Kudos
Level 4

This seems like a straight-foward defect, as no one seems to know why this is happening. Today, I will be forced to pay support to assist, but there are some smart folks in this forum, so I am somewhat pessimistic about support being able to assist.
0 Kudos
Level 17

Can you install an InstallShield IDE without activating it on a clean machine to see if you can reproduce the behavior?

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Yes, after installing to a machine that did not have SQL Server installed, it worked. On the same machine, I installed SQL server, then tried again. It no longer worked.

Does this mean that IS did not test this on a workstation where SQL Server was installed? Every machine in our office has SQL Server.

Please advise.

0 Kudos
Level 17

I am guessing that the version of SQL-DMO installed by the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 setup causes the problem. In order to verify this, can you uninstall and reinstall the InstallShield IDE, and see if the behavior is changed?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Sorry. Reinstalling IS did not help.

Does this mean that the wizard doesn't work with the latest version of SQL-DMO?
0 Kudos
Level 4

If MS is interfering with IS, what do I need to uninstall to correct the problem?
0 Kudos
Level 4

I created a VBS script containing the following...

Set SMOServer = CreateObject("Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.SMO.Server")
WScript.Echo SMOServer.Name & " " & SMOServer.Information.VersionString
For Each Database in SMOServer.Databases
WScript.Echo Database.Name & " " & Database.Size
Set SMOServer = Nothing

The result was a list of databases on my local server.

This seems to say that SMO is working properly and that the problem is with InstallShield's use of SMO -- or Am I missing something?

hidenori wrote:
I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 HotFix (9.0.3054), but I was able to connect to the server from InstallShield database import wizard remotely. Please install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components onto the machine that has your InstallSheild IDE installed. The database import wizard currently uses SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) to communicate with Microsoft SQL Servers. I would like to make sure that you have the latest version of SQL-DMO components installed on your client machine.
0 Kudos
Level 17

InstallShield Database Import Wizard currently uses SQL-DMO instead of SQL-SMO to communiate with a Microsoft SQL Server in order to support earlier versions such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Please test your code using SQL-DMO to see if you can retrieve a list of databases. The ProgId for SQL-DMO is "SQLDMO.SQLServer".

Thank you.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Making this change to the script...

Set SMOServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
WScript.Echo SMOServer.Name

The server name comes back as an empty string.

DMO is installed, and I can connect to any SQL Server 2000 server and database through InstallShield's Database Import Wizard, but I still cannot use it to connect to any SQL Server 2005 server or database.
0 Kudos
Level 17

If you run your code against a Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you should be able to retrieve a list of databases. I am looking into it to see if there is any way to get workaround the issue of SQL-DMO. I will post more information as soon as I find it.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thank you, hidenori.

Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

hidenori wrote:
If you run your code against a Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you should be able to retrieve a list of databases. I am looking into it to see if there is any way to get workaround the issue of SQL-DMO. I will post more information as soon as I find it.
0 Kudos
Level 17

Actually, SQL-DMO on my Windows Server 2003 R2 which has Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 Enterprise Edition (9.0.3159) is working with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I need more detailed information about Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that you have installed.

Also, my machine has the version 2000.85.2004.0 of SQLDMO.DLL which is located under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\binn. Is it different on your machine?
0 Kudos
Level 4

My SQLDMO version is the same as yours—and in the same location. My other Microsoft components are versioned as follows:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.0
Microsoft SQL Server Default Instance 9.0.3054
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.832
Operating System 5.1.2600

Our workstations all run Microsoft Office and are set to automatically download and update all Microsoft component updates and security patches nightly.

hidenori wrote:
Actually, SQL-DMO on my Windows Server 2003 R2 which has Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 Enterprise Edition (9.0.3159) is working with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I need more detailed information about Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that you have installed.

Also, my machine has the version 2000.85.2004.0 of SQLDMO.DLL which is located under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\binn. Is it different on your machine?
0 Kudos
Level 17

Do you have the Enterpise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installed on the machine, or other edition?
0 Kudos
Level 4

It is the Development Edition.

hidenori wrote:
Do you have the Enterpise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installed on the machine, or other edition?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Any luck yet, hidenori?

hidenori wrote:
If you run your code against a Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you should be able to retrieve a list of databases. I am looking into it to see if there is any way to get workaround the issue of SQL-DMO. I will post more information as soon as I find it.
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