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Level 5

Custom actions on Vista

I have a simple custom action written as a VBScript. What kind of conditional expression must I use while setting up this custom action to ensure that it runs **only** on Windows Vista?

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(5) Replies
Level 16

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Level 10

That MSDN page only addresses the VersionNT property which is the same (600) for both Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. If you want Vista and not Server 2008, try the condition

(VersionNT = 600) And (MsiNTProductType = 1)
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Level 16

I run Server 2008 Standard tweaked to make it more workstation like for my primary development machine. I would hope that a software package wouldn't arbitrarily restrict itself to Vista and not Server 2008. I could see Server 2008 only if it had a dependency that was only sound in Server 2008, but the other way around is generally not a good idea.

Below is a really cool tool for anyone interested in rolling the way I do. I know many developers that are going down this road not only for performance but because when you write nTier software it makes sense to be developing on the platform you are developing for.
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Level 5

Thanks to both of you for responding! Dan Gallender is right. I needed to run this package only on Windows Vista (this package will never be deployed on Windows Server 2008, so I guess VersionNT = 600 is probably sufficient for my purposes). Dan's solution is kinda future-proof 🙂
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Level 16

Future proof or future resistant?

Make sure you put "or Installed" as part of that. Otherwise if they upgrade to another OS and try to perform an uninstall you'll be stuck.
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