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Level 6

Custom Setup Dialog: deselecting features by default


In our installation (Basic MSI) using InstallShield 2010, we use the custom setup Dialog. By default, all visible features are selected. However, i would like to have some features deselected by default. My first approach was to raise the install level of some features to achieve this. Unfortunately, this does not work.

So my goal is to find a way to have features and selected and deselected depending on some properties, install level, conditions (or whatever is possible). I believe this should be possible.

Thanks for your help and greetings

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(5) Replies
Level 4

please use the script,set the feature deselected or selected during the install .
example :
0 Kudos
Level 6


According to the documentation, the "FeatureSelectItem" is for use in "InstallScript" and "InstallScript MSI" only. However, i have a basic MSI project.

Is there a way to achieve this? I believe there must be. To me, that seems like a rather common requirement. I like to avoid Scripting although i see that there is often no way around it to as MSI seems to be a little clumsy when it comes to the user interface (Unfortunately, we have to use Basic MSI)


PS: by the way, we are using InstallShield 2010
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Level 6


Has anyone come up with a solution that works in a Basic MSI project (the solution above works only in an InstallScript MSI project)

I would be very grateful..
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Flexera Alumni

What you've done should work. In a sample project with two features, setting the second feature's Install Level to 1000 (greater than the global value of 100) causes it to show up deselected.

(There's a bit more to do if you want to deselect the feature during a Complete setup type, but first things first.)
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Level 6

Thanks for your answer. Setting the install level higher than 100 works. (Previously the value was smaller, so i guess thats why it didnt work)

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