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Level 3

Custom Actions question

I need to convert 6.3 InstallScript to Basic MSI project. Product is c++ (unmanaged code), so the CA's need to be C++ also. Where can I find a sample\samples of Visual Studio 2008 C++ dll's, with InstallShield custom actions in them. I know some C++, but I don't know what I have to put in them for access to the msi Db, properties, writting to log, etc. Thanks
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(3) Replies
Level 3

No one uses C++ for Custom Actions anymore?
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Level 3

A basic MSI project needs DLL custom action functions with prototype:
UINT __stdcall FunctionName(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
// ... etc. ...

The hInstall argument (whatever you passed to the custom action function) is a handle that gives you access to MSI functionality, through MsiGetProperty and so on. See >>this<< for information about writing Windows Installer DLL's, and >>this<
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Level 3

Thank you. I was trying to get to, to see what else is there, but I was not successful. How do I get there?
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