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Level 2

Convert Backslash to Forwardslash

Hi All,

I created my project file using ISMP11.5 in windows. When I build my project in Unix machine, I got the errors. The reason is that it cannot find the image file that I used in the project.

When I looked at my project file, I saw that the path to the image has backward slash:

If I manually change from backslash to forwardslash, it works fine. Everytime I edit my project file in windows machine, it changes from forwardslash to backslash.

Is there away that I can make ISMP stop changing fowardslash to backslash? Or is there a way that I can make ISMP to build in Unix so it can ignore that it is a forwardslash?

Thanks for your help in advance.
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Level 3

smchau wrote:
Hi All,

I created my project file using ISMP11.5 in windows. When I build my project in Unix machine, I got the errors. The reason is that it cannot find the image file that I used in the project.

When I looked at my project file, I saw that the path to the image has backward slash:

If I manually change from backslash to forwardslash, it works fine. Everytime I edit my project file in windows machine, it changes from forwardslash to backslash.

Is there away that I can make ISMP stop changing fowardslash to backslash? Or is there a way that I can make ISMP to build in Unix so it can ignore that it is a forwardslash?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Use $PATH($A(IS_HOME),images\Backgrounds\classic.gif)

That should generate the correct slashes for you.
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