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Level 6

Controls not updating

I've created a few dropdownlist controls on a new blank dialog.

I create a new STRINGLIST object, assign values to it but nothing appears. The control id's do match up on the dialog yet still no values.

Using messages boxes, I can verify that the values do exist and the lists are being created. What gives?

EnsureStringList function creates a stringlist if it doesn't already exist.
Setup is a .NET Object with some properties that I return.

// ----[List of Network Domains]---- //

StrGetTokens(domainList, Setup.GetCurrentDomains(), ",");

MessageBox(Setup.GetCurrentDomains(), INFORMATION);

CtrlSetList(dialogName, DomainId, domainList);
CtrlSetCurSel(dialogName, DomainId, Setup.Configuration.NetworkDomain);

Even a simple CtrlSetText doesn't work.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Where are you calling this code? (In the DLG_INIT case of the custom dialog code?) Do return values from CtrlSetZzzz tell you anything?

Does the skeleton code in the "Using InstallScript to Implement Custom Dialogs" and "Using InstallScript to Process Dialog Controls" topics work?
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Level 6

Yes, I am calling it in the DLG_INIT code. And using MessageBoxes I can tell that the code is firing.

When I create a new dialog I first chose Blank Template. Nothing seems to work when talking with the controls. I chose, create a new scripting template and it works.

I don't know what backend changes are present, but I guess I'll have to work with that template instead.
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