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Level 3

CommonAppDataFolder property missing for target directory?

Hello all

For my application, that needs to run under Vista, i want to use for my trace files a data folder, that is not assigned to a user (per machine not per user).
I want to use the Folder CommonAppDataFolder\MyApplication which would go to C:\WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\MyApplication under XP or C:\ProgrammData\MyApplication under Vista.

Unfortunately I can not select the predefiend folder CommonAppDataFolder as target directory for my application files. Ther are a lot of predefined folder names but exactly this one is missing. How can i manage it to create a directory during install under this path?

In the Installshield 2008 Express help it is written, the predefined folder CommonAppDataFolder should exists as property as target folder.

Thanks for any advice
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(5) Replies
Level 17

Which view are you using?

In the Files view, for example, you can right-click the Destination Computer node in the Destination computer's folders pane. One of the commands displayed on the context menu is Show Predefined Folders. If you point to that, one of the listed folders is [CommonAppDataFolder].

By default, this folder does not have a check mark next to it, so it's not displayed in the Destination computer's folders pane. If you select it, InstallShield adds a check mark next to it and adds a folder for it under the Desintation Computer node.

Debbie Landers
Macrovision Corporation
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you Debbie for your answer. But that is exactly what i a trying. I have a german version of InstallShield. Is this the problem?
I have an attachment with a screenshot of my predefined folder but the one I'm looking for is not in the list.

0 Kudos
Level 3

OK I have seen, when I start a new install project, the CommonAppDataFolder is visible. My project is not a new project. It was converted from a IS5.0 project.
Is there a possibility to fix my current project or do I have to setup a completey new project?

0 Kudos
Level 17

Can you email the project file (.ise) to me at dlanders at I'll see if I can fix it for you.

Thank you.

Debbie Landers
Macrovision Corporation
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you for your help

But I have setup a new project an migrated the old ISX5.0 Project "by hand". Now everything is working fine.

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