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Level 3

Coding Behind a Button

I have just started using InstallShield 2008, trying to make my first msi and have run into issues. This one might be a very simple answer. I am creating a custom dialog nad have added a button, but can find no way to code behind it. Where would I go to code behind this button to define its action when pressed?

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(4) Replies
Level 3

I'm interested in this topic as well. The answer to this will probably help me figure out how to fix my own problem. (I added a combobox to an existing dialog and don't know how to update the value of a memobox based on the user's selected value...)
0 Kudos
Level 10

For a Basic MSI, in the Dialogs view, select Behavior and then the control.

For an InstallScript or InstallScriptMSI project, you need to script the behavior.

I'd suggest first reading through the help material on custom dialogs, if you haven't already.
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Level 7

You'll probably get better help with a more specific question. 🙂 What is that you're trying to do? An MSI is fundamentally a database, and not script-based, so your best solution may or may not be code writing.

Best wishes!
0 Kudos
Level 16

Think of ControlEvents as the controls Clicked Event. It's an observer pattern that creates a delegate of sorts by using the DoAction control event to call a custom action or perhaps a NewDialog to call the next dialog.

It's a declarative language and you try to not to write `code` unless required.
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