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Level 6

CoGetObject fails on 64bit OS - checking if process running

So huge thanks to 'Super User Reureu,' I can now check to see if my application is running before I allow my install program to continue. It works perfect on windows xp, 32bit. Unfortunately, it always fails on the CoGetObject line. I tried to 'run as administrator' but that didn't help. [one of my coworkers thought I didn't have permissions to create the object...]

prototype ISGetObj.ForEachStart(byref OBJECT, byref VARIANT);
prototype ISGetObj.ForEachGetNextItem(byref VARIANT, byref OBJECT);

function BOOL FindRunningProcess()
OBJECT obj, WMI, slist;
STRING szSupportDir, szDllname, szMessage, szMsg1, szMsg2, szMsg3, szMsg4;
STRING szProcessName;
NUMBER nResult;
VARIANT __varEnumHolder;
STRING query;
INT nCnt, openDllSuccess;
BOOL bStatus;
szProcessName = "MyProgram.exe";
bStatus = FALSE;
nCnt = 0;

// Load IsGetObj.dll
szDllname = SUPPORTDIR ^ "IsGetObj.dll";
openDllSuccess = UseDLL(szDllname);

if (openDllSuccess != 0) then
Sprintf(szMessage, "Could not open %s.", szDllname );
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, szMessage);
szMsg1 = "An error occurred checking if MyProgram.exe is already running. ";
nResult = AskYesNo(szMsg1, NO);
if (nResult = NO) then
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Exit the setup process.");
else // YES
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Continue the setup process.");


// Get the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object
set WMI = CoGetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//./root/cimv2", "" );

// Verify that the object was created
if (!IsObject(WMI)) then
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "WMI was not created.");
szMsg1 = "An error occurred checking if MyProgram.exe is already running. ";
nResult = AskYesNo(szMsg1, NO);
if (nResult = NO) then
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Exit the setup process.");
else // YES
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Continue the setup process.");

// Search for selected process
query = "Select * From Win32_Process Where Name Like '" + szProcessName + "'";
set slist = WMI.ExecQuery (query);

// Count the number of processes that have the selected name
ForEachStart(slist, __varEnumHolder);
while(ISERR_SUCCESS == ForEachGetNextItem(__varEnumHolder, obj))

// Cleanup
set __varEnumHolder = NOTHING;

nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "Exception raised when querying the Process list.");
szMsg1 = "An error occurred checking if MyProgram.exe is already running. ";
nResult = AskYesNo(szMsg1, NO);
if (nResult = NO) then
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Exit the setup process.");
else // YES
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, "User elected to Continue the setup process.");


if (nCnt != 0) then
bStatus = TRUE;
szMessage = szProcessName + " found in WMI's Win32_Process list. MPX is running." ;
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, szMessage);
bStatus = FALSE;
szMessage = "Could not find " + szProcessName + " in WMI's Win32_Process list. MPX is not running.";
nResult = WriteLine(glLogFile, szMessage);

// Return the result
return bStatus;
Labels (1)
0 Kudos
(6) Replies
Level 10

Could it be due to the problem described here?

Am I right in thinking that you are working on a pure InstallScript project?

This code works fine in a Basic MSI project when running on x64 OS.

Does the attached VB Script works on your x64 OS?
This little script does not do much more than your IS code. So, if this script works on your x64 OS, then I would assume that your InstallScript code should work.

By the way, I would not call AskYesNo before checking whether that's a silent installation if I were you, but that's a different point.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Yes, I have a pure InstallScript project.

I have no idea how to check if the attached VB Script works on our x64 OS.

the script code works perfect on windows xp 32-bit. It seems logical that something akin to the issue referenced in the article you mentioned is the cause of the problem. We have found that IS isn't really ready for 64bit or 64bit applications natively.

All I know right now is that after [set WMI = CoGetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//./root/cimv2", "" );]
IsObject(WMI) is always false on win7, 64bit.

I don't know how to make it work.

Side note: I don't check if its a silent install or not - the askyesno is there as a backup catch so that if there is an error checking if the application is running (like I am encountering now), the user has the opportunity to exit the install and stop the program before continuing. Bad things happen if the installer is run while the applciation is running, which is why I want to programmatically add this check.

thanks for your help.
0 Kudos
Level 10

It is the script I have been using in our Basic MSI project for a while, and never had the issue you are facing.

I have also tested your IS code in a dummy InstallScript project. It works fine on Win7 x64.

I assume you are facing a different problem. Have you tried on a different x64 machine?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Hi -
I did try it on another machine and got the same results.

I also created a new InstallScript project with just 2 routines OnSetUpdateMode and FindRunningProcess. The project worked fine!

Now to figure out why in the real project it doesn't work. I simply did a cut and paste of the routine for the test project that worked.

0 Kudos
Level 6

Reureu - thank you so mcuh for your PATIENCE.

Turns out the problem is that an earlier call in OnSetUpdatemode() that we added called Disable(WOW64FSREDIRECTION); Once I moved the call to FindRunningProcess() [the routine that checks for the exe running] before the call to the routine that called Disable, it worked fine.

0 Kudos
Level 10

Glad to hear that this piece of code works, otherwise I would have been in trouble 😉
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