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Level 3

ClickOnce GenerateApplicationManifest "Illegal characters in path"


I am trying to build a ClickOnce project in VS 2008 SP1, and I keep getting the following error and it is really getting frustrating:

Creating the 'INTERNET' configuration of the ClickOnce deployment.
Copying the base ClickOnce deployment to the release specific location.
Writing release specific deployment manifest settings from project file.
Writing file information into the application manifest.
Error 122 -7037: The "GenerateApplicationManifest" task failed unexpectedly.
System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
at System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path)
at System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(String path)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.BaseReference.GetDefaultTargetPath(String path)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateManifestBase.FindFileFromItem(ITaskItem item)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateApplicationManifest.AddClickOnceFiles(ApplicationManifest manifest)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateApplicationManifest.BuildApplicationManifest(ApplicationManifest manifest)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateApplicationManifest.OnManifestLoaded(Manifest manifest)
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateManifestBase.BuildManifest()
at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateManifestBase.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult)
Embedding manifest SetupExe.Invoker.manifest into setup.exe
Adding Microsoft(R) .NET Framework redistributables to setup...

Please help! This is very important.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

You do realize that this is a forum for posting questions regarding InstallShield correct? That being said, here is the URL for the ClickOnce and Setup and Deployment Projects on MSDN where you stand a better chance of getting this question answered:

Best of luck!
0 Kudos
Level 3

I do realize. InstallShield has a ClickOnce project type.
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