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Level 4

Choose Language Dialog

Hi guys,

I will try to describe as precisely as possible what I am trying to do.

I have one Basic MSI project which consists of only one release.
I have two sets of files in my release which I am packaging.
One set is US files (around 120 files) which have US release flag assigned to them and another set is SPA files (around 115) which have SPA release flag assigned to them.
In my 'Choose Language' dialog box I have English (United States) and Spanish language to choose from.
If user selects English (United States) from 'Choose Language' dialog box I ONLY WANT TO INSTALL FILES WITH US RELEASE FLAGS (NO SPANISH FILES GETS INSTALLED).
If user selects Spanish from 'Choose Language' dialog box I ONLY WANT TO INSTALL FILES WITH SPA RELEASE FLAGS (NO US FILES GETS INSTALLED).

I believe I provided enough clear picture what I am trying to achieve.:confused:

Thanks in advance.:)

Thanks and Regards,
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(2) Replies
Level 17

I don't think that having the release flags will help you in this case. Release flags are build-time filtering tags that allow you to include or omit items at build time, ending up with either, for example, an English installation or a Spanish installation. Your scenario requires run-time filtering, with an installation that has everything but installs only language-specific files as needed.

What might work in your scenario is assigning all of the English files to "English" components, and all of the Spanish files to "Spanish" components. You would add a condition to each component to indicate the appropriate language ID using one of the Windows Installer properties that are described in the following help topic:
Installing Components Based on Language

I hope that helps.
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Level 4

Hi Debbie,
Thank you very much for a quick replay. I will try suggested method and let you know how I went.

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