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Level 3

Change Acresso VERSION and COMPANY properties in Setup.exe

Dear All,

How should I change the Acresso-specific VERSION and COMPANY properties of Setup.exe (package with external cabs) to that of my product's. Please note this is an InstallScript project (not Basic MSI or Installscript MSI).

I have come across this question in older threads but could not find any efficient solution. One such solution is to open setup.exe in Resource editor and change the version and comapny name. In my scenario this is not acceptable.

Thanks in anticipation for your king help,
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Level 10

Acceptable or not, you're basically out of luck. The answers you found from the past still apply. The company and version in the setup.exe are fixed with the company (Acresso Software Inc.) and the version of InstallShield (IS2009 is version 15.0) that generated the exe.
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