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Level 4

Chaining exe files to create single package

I have :

2 msi files,
2 exe files which have a bootstrapped msi file inside them, and
2 MSDOS exe files which do not have bootstrapped msi files within them.

I need to create a single parent msi package which will install these 6 files (exe as well as msi files mentioned above) in one shot and will also uninstall these files as part of uninstallation of the same single parent msi file.

I can chain the msi files into one package and what I want can be achieved with the chaining in effect. But how can I add the other 4 exe files such that it all forms a single package? Is chaining of exe also allowed? If so, how is it done?

I am using Installshield 2010 and Windows Vista is the OS.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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(1) Reply
Level 11

Hello Ajanta,

Some thoughts on how you could accomplish this:

1. Using Custom Actions to launch all the setups in silent mode before ExecuteAction in the UI sequence. This would probably work, but be subject to a limitation in the parent install running silently (since the UI is skipped).

2. Use a wrapper InstallScript Project to run each setup in turn with something like LaunchApplication().

3. Use Package Chaining for the MSI Packages, and just launch the rest as Custom Actions in the Execute sequence of the wrapper MSI.

4. Create a Prerequisite for each setup, and associate it with a feature with silent command parameters. This would require a setup.exe for the wrapper, however.

But, this is just a few options. It will depend on your deployment requirements which is most convenient for you.

Hope this helps!
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