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Level 4

Cannot set ASP version

I am working with an installscript project trying to create a website installation.

In the IIS settings I have setup a virtual directory to be created in the Default Web Site. I have set the ASP Version to 2.0.50727. I have created an App Pool for the Virtual Directory to run in.

All installs fine and the Virtual Directory and new App Pool are created and the Virtual Directory is put in the correct app pool but the ASP Version is the same as the Default Web Site (1.1.4322) and not 2.0.50727.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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(1) Reply
Level 3

I have not had much luck trying to set properties on the existing default directory with the IS installer. Try setting the metadata of the default website directly with some sort of application launched towards the end of the install.
I use VBScript in a basic web site MSI and that works well.
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