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Cannot reinstall due to IsPreventDowngrade


I am currently running into issues reinstalling my application.
I believe this is due to the custom action IsPreventDowngrade.

I get the messagebox:

"Another version of this product is already
installed. Installation of this version cannot
continue. To configure or remove the
existing version of this product, use
Add/Remove Programs on the Control

I require my installation to always uninstall reinstall my application. Should I just remove the custom action IsPreventDowngrade? Or is there a simpler/more correct way to do this?
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If that's really the behavior you want, you should also remove the major upgrade item (Upgrades view) that finds the newer versions and sets ISFOUNDNEWERVERSION. Then, assuming you want standard major upgrade behavior, you can create two normal major upgrade itmes: one search for older versions and one for newer, where in either case it replaces the version it finds.
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Not applicable

I deleted and re added IsPreventDowngrade and that seems to have fixed the issues with reinstalling my setup.exe. I will add a major upgrade for versions that are newer in the future.

Thanks for the help,
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