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Level 7

Can you configure a new patch from Installshield Automation Interface?

I would like to be able to create patches from a command line in order to automate our patch building process. I do not want to have to go into the Installshield IDE and create new patch configurations. Can patch creation on-the-fly from a command line be done?

Note: Just to clarify, I already know how to build patches by using iscmdbld.exe, I'm asking how to create new patch configurations from a command line.
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(6) Replies
Level 6

Use -patch_config


as in:

%INSTALLSHIELD_SABUILD_FOLDER%\System\IsCmdBld.exe -p "%PATH_TO_ISM_FILE%\IShield.ism" -patch_config "PatchConfigurationName"
Where PatchConfigurationName is the name under Meda -> Patch Design -> PatchConfigurationName
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thank you for your reply, however, let me reiterate: "I already know how to build patches by using iscmdbld.exe, I'm asking how to create new patch configurations from a command line."
0 Kudos
Level 7

After looking more into this, the Automation Interface does not have a solution for this. It seems as though I can create a generic patch configuration in my project file, save it, and from there I can automate a process that opens the .ism as an xml and add/modify entries under as needed, and it would not be too difficult. But adding this capability into a future release of the automation interface would be great.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I can create the patch configuration.
I basically want to take the build versions (latest1 & previous1) to patch dynamically in the build machine and extract the MSIs for patching. Can the extraction of files from MSI be automated ?
0 Kudos
Level 7

ssuriyap wrote:
Can the extraction of files from MSI be automated ?

Yes it can. Type: msiexec /a .msi TARGETDIR= /qn
0 Kudos
Level 3

yeah, thanks for sharing this. even the msi can also be extracted from setup.exe to specific location with /b switch.

scottd72 wrote:
Yes it can. Type: msiexec /a .msi TARGETDIR= /qn
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