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Level 3

Can't download newly purchased InstallShield 2020

I believe I registered the product correctly.  I log into the community and choose InstallShield and then go to Download Products and Licenses.  I click on "Lets go" under the column containing InstallShield and I get a dialog containing the words: "Unfortunately your account is unauthorized".

In what way is it  unauthorized and how do I get it authorized?




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(4) Replies

Hi @bbelow,


Please contact the support to get the help on this.


0 Kudos
Level 3

I have the same Problem, was it fixed for you ?

0 Kudos

Yes, Support said they had to change something in the back end.  They sent me the following:

1. Kindly change the browser from IE to Chrome.
2. Login into revenera community page using URL ""
3. Click on "Other Resources" drop down on the right top corner of the page.
4. Click on Product and License Center.
5. Now click on Let's Go under the products that you require.
6. Your page will get navigated to Product and License Center.
7. In the left navigation, under Entitlements, click Product List.

And it then worked.  My case was 02243743

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