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Level 6

Broken uninstall from changing productname

I am using a Basic MSI project. I recently changed the the productname of my installer i.e. "Application 1" to simply "Application". Afterwards though, if I try to uninstall from Control Panel, I get a 1602 error (the uninstall cancels itself). I can uninstall only by invoking the maintenance mode dialog and choosing remove from there. If I revert my productname to the original value, everything works fine. I turned on logging and the only thing out of the ordinary was the line:

Action ended 7:38:08: INSTALL. Return value 2.

Anybody have any ideas...?
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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Where did you change the product name? How did you deploy the product version with the changed name? MSI minor upgrades don't support the MSI file name changing, so that might have a bearing on it.
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Level 6

I changed it from General Information -> Product Properties page. I built a new MSI and installed it. Installation is fine, but when I invoke uninstall from Add/Remove programs, the uninstall 'cancels' by itself.

For background, all our upgrades are major upgrades. However, I haven't even tried upgrading yet. I just wanted to see if normal install/uninstall works fine.
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Flexera Alumni

Hmm, I'm not sure I follow; did you install a version with the old product name, and later one with the new name? If the system never knew about the old name, it shouldn't be an issue...
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Level 6

In my installer project, I changed the productname, then I built an msi. I installed this msi on a system w/o any previous instances of the old application installed. Install works fine, but uninstall tanks.

If I revert the productname in my installer project, and build another msi, then install/uninstall operations work fine.
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