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Level 5

BasicMSI vbscript custom action needs administrator privileges

This has been bugging me for many days now, and I'm at the hair pulling out stage. Can anyone help?

I have a BasicMSI install, that has a type 3078 CA (vbscript stored in binary table set for deferred action in system context), which means - as I understand - that the CA will run with elevated privileges. The properties it requires are fed in via a type 51 CA ("set property" action set to run with immediate action).

Here's the function I'm calling:

[CODE]function ModifyRequestFiltering
const IDOK=1
const IDABORT=3


MyArray=Split(szCustomActionData, ";")
'Create Shell object
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if Err.Number <> 0 then
'Return FAIL
Exit Function
End if

'Obtain System dir
WinDir = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%")
if Session.Property("VersionNT") <> "" then
'32bit OS detected
szSystemDir = "\system32"
'Not 32bit OS, therefore 64bit
szSystemDir = "\SysWOW64"
end if
WinSysDir = WinDir & szSystemDir

szApp=WinSysDir & "\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
szCmdLine="set config """ & szWebsite & "/xxx_" & szSystemName & "_" & szApplicationName & """ -section:system.webServer/security/requestFiltering /-fileExtensions.[\[]fileExtension='.config'[\]] -commitpath:apphost"

'Create Shell.Application object
set objShell=CreateObject("Shell.Application")
ReturnCode=objShell.ShellExecute(szApp, szCmdLine, "", "runas", 1)
set objShell=nothing

if ReturnCode <> 0 then
'Return FAIL
Exit Function
end if

' Release Shell object
Set Shell = nothing

end function[/CODE]

This should end up with the ".config" entry being removed from the file name extensions in the "Request Filtering" feature of the virtual application within IIS.

My problem is that the execution of appcmd appears to function with no reported error, but the target system is not modified. I'm logging the output of this, and if I then re-run the exact same command line the just failed via a "Run As Administrator" command prompt then it works. What's the difference between running with "elevated privileges" and "Run As Administrator" ?

Am I missing something?
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Level 5

Nobody? There must be something simple I'm missing...
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