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Level 2

Automation interface/StandaloneBuild problem

I have a VB script, which uses the automation interface.
At some time this scripts reads the property "MinimumTargetMSIVersion" of the object "SAAuto14.ISWiProject".

On my PC this script works fine (I have installed IS2008 + IS2008 StandaloneBuild)

But if I run the same script on a PC, where only the IS2008 StandaloneBuild is installed, it gives me the error "32797", Description: Automation error. Library not registered.
> ISWiAutomation.IswiProject.Get MinimumTargetMSIVersion

The script code is:
Set oISProject = CreateObject("SAAuto14.ISWiProject")
WScript.Echo "MinimumTargetMSIVersion = " & oISProject.MinimumTargetMSIVersion

Is this an error in the 2008 StandaloneBuild?
Why is the SAAuto14.ISWiProject object referencing a method in another IS automation object: ISWiAutomation.IswiProject.Get?
Is the property "MinimumTargetMSIVersion" no longer supported by ISAuto14? (The InstallShield 2008 help says, that the property still exists.)
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(2) Replies
Level 10

Just tested your VB script, works fine on our Standalone Build 2008 machines.
Result: Problem cannot be reproduced.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I've got the exact same problem ("library not registered" in the CreateProject method), but it only appears on machines running Vista or Windows Server 2008. Machines running XP does not exhibit this behavior.
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